Thursday, January 31, 2013

Little Miss Thang!

My little Lulu has gotten a wee bit sassy lately!

crayon on the chair- it wasn't an accident
such a great momma- love that hair!
dress up

loves to draw!

This is her "angel" face!

Nighty Night

Samuel started the new year in his own big boy bed!!!! Very exciting!  I couldn't get enough pictures of him that first week- so precious!  My baby boy has surpassed another milestone.   

Sister Sleepovers
holding hands as daddy reads a story

night time giggles:) 

Sammy and his baby Ernie - he's such a sweet boy!  

Toothless Wonder

It's a happy day when your first tooth comes out!  Mom and Dad take pictures and grandparents get all excited to see that hole in your mouth.  Nothing is more exciting then the thought of the tooth fairy visiting for the very first time!

Annabelle was beyond giddy as she experienced this last weekend.  Jonathan had even dug out his tooth pillow from his parents house that he used growing up - he really is kinda sentimental about passing these traditions on to our little ones.  So tooth came out with slight assistance from daddy and was placed in the tooth pillow for safe keeping.  Annabelle insisted on keeping it locked in her room the rest of the day- she knows her little brother's capabilities lol!  Bedtime rolled around and thats when she brought the tooth pillow downstairs (for whatever reason??).  Sure enough the tooth got lost:/

It was a travesty!  The first tooth ever and it's missing!  We searched and searched until we had to call it off- it was a school night and getting late.  Sadly I tucked Annabelle into bed, insuring her that we would keep looking.  Jonathan and I had already taken apart our over stuffed chair in pursuit of this tiny tooth- upon reinspecting it we found a crumb (possibly a vanilla wafer crumb).  No surprise that the chair held such an item.  And that's where my husband decided that this crumb IS her tooth.  Oh my, yes it is true, we lied to our daughter (weren't we already tho by going along with the tooth fairy scam?)!  She bought it whole heartedly and was so thankful- now at least she could get some sleep.  So the tooth fairy came through the night and left a dollar!  Annabelle even claimed to have seen her and some pixie dust she left behind.  All's well that ends well!

1st one gone!

Annabelle lost another one last night.  Happy to report that it was truly a tooth under her little sleeping head last night!  Another dollar!  She is saving for a singing Ariel doll for the bathtub- at this rate it wont take long!

Santa Clause is coming to town EARLY

Santa came early which has become the normal for us- never spending a Christmas at home but visiting loved ones for the holidays.  Its a sweet time of year and spending time with our extended family has always taken precedence over a quiet Christmas at our house alone.  We trade the traditional for the extra special loud holiday with grandparents showering my chickens with love (and gifts, way too many gifts) with dog sitters, kennels, long road trips, airport security and stuffing the car and suitcases more than a thanksgiving turkey on the way back home (as well as sending a huge load of goodies UPS back home).

In 2012 it is perfectly acceptable to email your Christmas list to Santa- isn't that something?  LOL  I often ponder role of technology in my children's lives and it's definitely a different world for them than the one I grew up in!  Annabelle even typed her own list on the laptop- her cyber wisdom is almost equal to mine at age 5!  Daddy sent his own note in Santa's email- informing him of our travel plans and asking to reschedule a drop off time.  The old man replied to Daddy that he needed to make a "test run" on Sunday 12-16 and he'd bring by the Haines loot.  We woke up to packages, bikes, and more under our tree:)


The holiday continued with our trips to KC and Dallas.  Here are some of our pictures.....

Gingerbread Party

Denise and the Menace 

My beautiful niece Lilly!!!!


Cowboy Sam!

Merry Christmas to All