Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We're BACK

After a summer off and many details later we are back!
Annabelle just started kindergarten on Monday and seems to be adjusting well.  Here are some of recent AB humorous statements about all this.......

~After meet the teacher night we came home to catch Daddy up on all the exciting back to school news.  When asked what her teacher's name is she replied "Mrs Awful" and her next try came out "Mrs Bowels".  In her defense Mrs Burroughs is really tough to say for a 5 yr old lol  (we've gotten better)

~The first day of school I picked her up and as we walked home she told me all about her day.  The very first detail she spilled was that she only got in trouble once.  I inquired further to find out "the talking time was over but I wasn't done making friends yet"

~Monday was also gym day.  She told us this was the part of the day she liked the least "it was boring" and made her want to cry

~ This school is easier and her teacher is nicer than last yr because they don't do any work and the lady helps her.

~The 6am alarm has her thinking that teachers don't sleep and school starts in the middle of the night.

Linley Lu starts school next week and is really looking forward to it-she has mentioned several times this summer how she misses school and her friends (she can still name all them from her class last yr).  She had her 3 yr old check up yesterday, here's what she thought.....

~The Dr asked if she had potatoes in her ears she looked up with all seriousness and said "no silly, they are watermelons!'   funniest thing ever!!!!

~She weighed in at a whoppppping 27 pounds- so she is a "big girl" now!

~The pulseox glows when on her finger- this means she's good!  And the Dr liked her so much that's why the bp cuff hugged her arm

Samuel is 15 months and growing like a weed.  He probably matches/surpasses Lu in weight and is a very ACTIVE little boy.  We put it off as long as possible but last week he got his first haircut (the grandmas are not happy about this).  He is the cutest kisser ever- after he plants a juicy one on ya he claps for himself- super charming already!  He climbs everything- not uncommon to watch him slide off the back of the couch.  He says just a few words but this doesn't mean he is quiet- his vocabulary includes Da, Ma, dog, go, all done, hello, tank Q, no  His troublemaking centers around toilets, dog food, trash cans, rearranging dressers and the pantry, taking off his diaper, pulling his sister's hair, and stealing toys! He loves to swim and do anything with his daddy.

Other Noteworthy Haines News

~Baby 4 is due in February!  We are planning on finding out the gender but this is after JP agrees to names (we all know this may be our delivery date or beyond)  Yes, I'm holding that info hostage in a sealed envelope as a means of motivating my husband!

~My niece, Lilly Mae, is due in a few short weeks.  I've enjoyed sharing and bonding with my sister as we have both been expecting together:)  She is going to be a great momma!

~We are looking forward to our Disney cruise aka the Mickey boat!

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