Monday, November 12, 2012

Military Minute

In Honor Of Veteran's Day
Annabelle responses
Linley responses

What does Daddy do at work?
Protects the country and that's it.
Washes things and walks around with soldiers.

What is the Army?
It keeps us safe and works a LOT!
Daddy's work.

What do you know about the flag?
I see flags all around, and it has 50 stars.
Wind blows the flag.

Why do we celebrate Veteran's Day?
To celebrate the people in the Army and all the military.
I don't know.

Thank you to all who serve, have served and will serve!  God had blessed the USA and we are very proud to be American's!
*Daddy, Aunt Tordi, Grandpa Randy, Cousin Anthony, Great grandparents, Army Friends*


How do you disguise Tom the Turkey so the hunter can't find him?
Stick him in ACUs of course!

Annabelle's kindergarten homework assignment

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