Friday, April 12, 2013

My last day as a twenty something

April 10  6:00 alarm
*nurse the baby
*wake up AB
*breakfast for AB-discuss today's weather rainy and dark- she enjoys the weather channel app:)
*iron dress for AB-search the clean laundry for the pink leggins
*breakfast for Lu- cinnamon toast crunch
*wake up cuddles- change Sam's diaper
*dress Sam
*help Lu pick out her clothes
*help AB brush her teeth- showing for the millionth time to brush the teeth on the sides-not just the front
*fold a load of laundry
*braid AB hair
*change Callie and load into carseat- with sweet smilies:)
*lecture about putting shoes where they go so you can find them the next time
*load the van
*drop off AB at school
*back home
*Callie naps
*clean kitchen while Sam has breakfast
*make a huge cup of cappuccino
*Linley is hungry again- second breakfast for her (possible growth spurt?)
*turn on fox news- disgusted by the Korea stuff
*cartoons on- charlie and lola
*drink coffee and zucchini bread while snuggled with lulu
*break up an argument- first of the day
*sippy cups
*talk to mom
*baby wakes up hungry
*Lu protests bc she can't play with my phone
*lesson on r&l feet with my shoe obsessed son lol
*super why!
*talk to friend
*smiles with callie
*more wiggles and giggles with callie-LOVE
*break up a fight over bracelets
*nurse the baby- such a sipper that one!
*Sam steals Lu's toys and gets into trouble for agitating
*play Doc McStuffins with Lu
*Linley gets some "baby love" holding Callie
*change diapers AGAIN
*Sam cries for daddy bc I got on to him for unplugging things
*laundry day-start another load what fun!
*write email to ABs teacher
*Linley plays ABCmouse
*Callie naps
*Sam and I clean out closet
*play throw the dirty laundry down the steps!
*play computer with Linley
*sing take me out to the ball game a million times with my son
*another fight over the bracelets - Sam steals toys in hopes Linley will chase him
*Linley wants "something special" to do- stomp bubble wrap!
*feed baby girl and pinterest
*diaper changes
*Sam and baby nap time
*got carried away and planned Sam's 2nd bday on pinterest
*Lu and I eat lunch
*more laundry
*pick up front room
*quiet time with Linley playing together-dolls, puppies, and blocks
*feed baby
*pump milk
*bathe and dress baby
*Sam wakes from nap
*feed Sam lunch
*get ready to leave the house for speech
*speech gets cancelled- yay, no rushing around today:)
*more laundry
*clean kitchen
*take pictures of my little chickens for fun
*load car to pick up AB from school
*calm a tired and drama queen 3 yr old when she notices an old blister on her foot and falls to pieces
*play drop, pick up and repeat with my son in the van as we sit in the car rider pickup line
*listen to AB's convincing argument for an after school sonic ice cream- make plans to do this next wk
*get the daily school report from AB
*after school snacks for all- yogurt
*monitor the snack thief Samuel
*work on our move- researching
*settle an argument over the tv channel:/  tv gets taken away
*bubble wrap round 2
*fed the baby
*fight over bubble wrap
*throw bubble wrap away
*try to keep my nerves in check
*give up and "suggest" they play upstairs- Lu yells "I don't like you!"
*make a cup of coffee and hit up the dvr for a mommy show
*remind the groupies that makin good choices is in their best interest
*more laundry
*baby naps
*Sam makes his usual mischief rounds- turning baby swing on, playing with the dvds, being LOUD
*save Sam from hurting himself by swinging a necklace around his face:/  listen to him get mad at me
redirect his attention with a sippy cup of milk
*plan dinner
*sippy cups- its a never ending consumption of milk 'round here
*yell upstairs to stop running and slamming doors
*hubby gets home early!!!
*Sam and Lu get a bath
*homework with AB- illustrate differnet types of weather
*coloring time
*cook dinner- spaghetti kinda boring lol
*eat dinner and chat about our day
*clean up dinner
*discuss our upcoming move and the looming details
*nurse the baby
*change diapers
*AB sight word practice and counting by 2s
*AB showers
*AB nighttime routine- she reads her sight word book (which melts a momma's heart) and I read a few chapters of Junie B
*daddy takes Sammy to bed-very helpful!
*Linley's bedtime- a little critter story, songs and tucked in
*a general downstairs pickup
*Duck Dynasty with the hubs JACK!
*Jonathan and I work on the move
*Callie's last feeding and bedtime
*Callie throws up ALL over our bed- change the linen
*Callie is hungry because she lost all her dessert- try to pacify with rocking/talking to no avail
*fed Callie again
*Sam wakes up and comes to our bed
*lights out..............go to bed for the last time as a twenty something
April 11  6:00 alarm
*I'm old!

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