Saturday, October 29, 2011

~Preschool Fall Festivities~

What a fun filled day!  
A concert for the parents and Fall parties!

Mermaid Annabelle & Ms Kristen

Annabelle's class preparing to sing-so sweet!

Man, check out those costumes!

Linley and Ms Jessica

The 2 yr olds walking to the concert

Linley the singing octopus!

There wasn't much singing coming from this group but they look really cute!


Annabelle plays pumpkin ring toss

Sam hanging with the big kids

A pizza party in Lu's class

Alisha, Lu and Belle at the preK party

The "Pink Friends" do Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ladybug Baby Shower

My good friends the Casper's are expecting a baby girl in December.  Baby Cassidy has been blessed with two very loving and adoring parents, as well as, an awesome big brother Sebastian!  
Today we celebrated this family and baby!

Who doesn't love ladybugs?  Thanks to pinterest for the creative inspiration!  A few ladybug decorations, some food, sweets and friends and the party was all set.  Here's a look......

Our menu

buffalo chicken dip
 Angela's wonderful guacamole 
chips and salsa
 roll ups 
chocolate covered ladybug pretzels 
fruit kabobs
 nutella sandwiches for the kiddos
licorice just for fun

    Dessert comes later:)

    After social hour we played the ever so famous baby shower games.

    childhood facts of mom and dad- you have to guess who and peek under the wings for the answer

    "tray game" 10 items on the tray-5 seconds to look-cover them back up and list them
    the men cheated- they took a picture with their cell phones- lol but they still didn't get all 10!

    This next game was my FAVORITE part of the entire shower!  Yes, I planned a RELAY!  I know what you're thinking a relay?  But seriously this was fun!  I knew it would be a long shot but I thought a little friendly competition would get the men pumped and involved in this whole shower experience.....

    mom and dad dashing with babies in hand-look at them go!

    1: diaper and swaddle baby

    2: dress baby in pjs and socks

    run! run! run! Jonathan!

    3: buckle baby in the carseat

    4: out of carseat and into stroller

    Winners-Team MOM

    Team DAD
    So we rocked the relay!!!  Of course Team MOM won- we have more practice at these things, but Team DAD was not far behind- they made good time and had great handoffs LOL!

    Dessert followed
    Ice cream bar with plenty of yummy toppings and ladybug cake/cupcakes

    And the best part of any shower- opening the gifts
    complete with "cute", "awe", "precious"

    say CHEESE

    Daddy Ron's speech made us all tear up-don't worry they were smiling again in 3 seconds:)

    Me ~ Momma Angela ~ Tammi

    THE END for now...... Due 12/12/11

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Army Brat

    Annabelle loves the Army because she admires her daddy!  Jonathan works long hours and many weekends too so one on one time is precious (take it when you can get it).  She absolutely cherishes the days she can go in to work with him (take it where you can get it).  A few weekends ago the two of them spent the morning with the Delta Dragons at the AMEDD museum.  

    Complete with pint size PTs and yes, matching bow!    

    Look at that face- Time alone with daddy and doing soldier things- oh so exciting!

    Nothing Beats
    A Day With Daddy!

    The term Army Brat is an honer~ and I''m proud to be raising 3!

    Monday, October 10, 2011

    A Day At The ZOO!

    The Man Cub

    The kids are at the perfect ages to really enjoy the zoo.  We decided it would be worth it to get a season pass and we were right!  The girls have had hours of animal exploration, observation, and just plain fun!  Today is Columbus Day (for some very odd reason the Army considers this a soldier holiday) therefore there was no work and no school.  It never takes us long to plan something fun on days like this~ the weather has finally cooled down and we had Daddy along with us so off we headed for some zoo fun.  This is today's adventure...

    Baby Elephant and Baby Lu

     Thanks to Diego (cousin of the ever so famous Dora) both Linley and Annabelle are familiar with many of the not so popular zoo animals...the condor...the know the ones I'm talking about.....the ones that never have a huge kids lined up in front of their enclosures striking a pose for that crazy paparazzi momma....

    So in "animal rescuer" mode we toured the zoo! 
    Spectacle Bear (this is a Diego animal FYI)

     This is by far one of the coolest displays in the entire zoo.  The two hippos are always right up close in the water and the are HUGE!!!!  No crowds was a great advantage today-we got observe these beasts up close and personal for a few minutes before a paparazzi momma came along lol.  
    We love the hippos!

    The "crocOOOdile" and Lu

    Freckles the Goat
    The petting zoo is only goats- but they don't mind.  Brushing goats is always a hit:)  Today we got to brush Freckles and Bailey!!!

    Sam goes WILD
    Annabelle crosses the stream frogy style! 
    We finished up our wild adventure with a ride around the park aboard the zoo train.  It was the perfect way to end our Columbus holiday.  Christopher you did not "discover" America but you did open America's door to the world.  It was a great day exploring animals from all over God's creation!