Thursday, March 29, 2012

This & That

 Here is a bit of Haines Randomness

1)  Annabelle is studying butterflies this week.  We have had much fun extending the school day at home with art projects, books and outside observations.  Having seen this idea recently on the ever addicting Pinterest I knew this would be just perfect for a craft project.  Here are the shirts we painted!

Footprint butterflies on the back

Sponge paint caterpillars on front

Handprint flowers

Model :)

Have fun wearing them:)

2)  Sleeping babies!  I love 'em!  There is just something irresistible about sleeping children- not to mention they are quiet and peaceful.  For no other reason beside's they're adorable here are my sleeping babies...

3)  Standing Sam
Just this week he has started being able to stand up, let go and remain standing with no assistance!  And although he didn't realize what he was doing he even stood all the way up without support- I'm sure in no time he will be making a deliberate attempt at it:) Yay Buddy!!!!!!!

4)  Annabelle is known for borrowing our phones and taking random pictures.  A possible future photographer?  Funny that she likes taking them put hates being in them!  Here are a few of her recent shots...

Okay, that is Linley ahead of the cart just hopping along through the Walmart.
Annabelle did a great job capturing the  "looney" in action.

Building Blocks- the name fits!

Annabelle thought her Grandma would like this- she took it because SB was happy and so was she:)!

Mac-A-ronnia for YiaYia

5) Cloth Diapers
I'm giving them a trial run- so far I like them but don't have the routine down yet.

6)  Canyon Lake
We are about to set out on a new adventure- one we hope will become a tradition and the source of lots of fun family memories- CAMPING!  Canyon Lake is going to be our first "lesson" ( I'm sure Jonathan and I will leave there with many notes/tweaks for the next time).  We drove up there to check things out and do a dry run of the campsite- we are taking advantage of the military recreational facilities.  We were pleasantly surprised at what we found- in true form the Air Force facility is much nicer, cleaner, and family oriented compared to the minimal Army campgrounds.  Our camp out will include fishing, swimming, hiking, and boating.....and much much more!

Pastries for Parents

I love our preschool!  One of my most favorite things is all the parent involvement- classroom and school wide activities.  This morning Sam and I stayed to enjoy refreshments with the girls and watch them sing.

Annabelle used to be the little girl that just stood on the stage not signing or moving, not smiling or frowning, just sort of "being".  This year she really has come further out of her shell and has become a little performer:)

Lu is Lu no matter the environment (which is a blessing and a curse).  She doesn't know there is a difference between being on the stage during a concert, eating at a restaurant, or playing in the backyard.  She does a great job standing there, doing the motions and signing the parts she knows:)

Here's one of the songs they have been signing at home for weeks- we know it well:)

So sweet!  

Thursday, March 15, 2012

*Spring Break*

~Simple Fun~

Besides our time in the backyard, we have spent most of this week having simple fun!  

The girls are "practicing" for our upcoming camping trip:)  Sleeping bags-what fun!

 We stopped in Wendy's for some frosty action- an after speech snack!

Painting the fence with water- a genius pinterest idea!

They are really getting into it.

We found this cool Star Wars pen in the Cheerios!  The girls didn't believe me that toys in cereal boxes used to be a common thing!  LOL  Those were "the good ole days".

They all 3 piled into the RPC. 

Sunglasses:)  They were Annabelle's idea- he was a good sport. 

Grocery shopping is more fun for some than for others:)

Home made play dough OH YEAH!  We make this a lot- but have recently switched to the kool aid recipe- it smells good and colors it all in 1 step:)

world's longest hotdog!

Rainbows in a jar-  we baked rainbow cakes in mason jars for St Patrick's Day dessert.

 I found this $4 bow and arrow set at the flea market- Annabelle hasn't put it down.  She LOVES the Swan Princess movie and Prince Derek uses a bow to fight off "the great animal".

Picnics, both pretend and real, were common this week:)  We enjoyed Friday lunch at the neighborhood park and we found a ton of pretty flowers (dandelions)

Our simple fun included visitors both weekends.  Gigi, Grandpa, and Uncle Phillip helped us kick off break in style and Ms Angie came the next weekend for some St Patrick's Day fun!  We enjoyed the day o' green with festive food, green finger nail polish and girl talk!  

Now it's time to get these chickens back to school and back into our routine.  I've had glimpse at what summer will bring Team Haines and I'm scared!  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cave of Wonder

As part of our "date day" to celebrate my husband's birthday we drove up the road to Natural Bridge Caverns.  This was my first spelunking trip (as an adult) and it was super neat!  We went on an hour long tour in a small group with a guide.  I only had my phone so the pictures really don't do it justice- but it really was a great experience-  I left there in awe of God's crafty work!

the natural bridge

bridge from below

large formations- the guide told us that it takes 100 years for the formations to grow the length of an icecube!

this formation was named the king's thrown

cave ribbon on the walls

the chandelier 

these were appropriately called fried egg formations lol

this cave was just recently discovered in 1966

We came home to celebrate with a dinosaur cake- decorated by the cutest lil bakers you've ever seen:)
Happy Birthday Honey!!!!