Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Birthday Boy

Samuel Patrick turned 2 last week!  We had a birthday bash weekend at the beach! After a long day at the water park we partied it up with some cake and presents:)  Sam entertained us all with his balloon boogie.  

I really had no idea what we were getting into on the day he joined our family!  He has surpassed all my expectations!  He's our bit of blue in a world of pink!  He's our loud, rowdy, snuggly and messy Mister Kissyface! 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Spring Fling

We had a fun filled night at Salinas Elementary!  Tonight was the annual Spring Fling fund raiser and we were in attendance to this shindig!  There was food of all kinds-pizza, nachos, snow cones and hotdogs.  Our first stop was the bounce house of course!  We tried our hand at beanbag toss, cake walk, the duck pond, cupcake decorating and more.  There were friends at every turn and smiles on our faces!  Great way to spend a Friday evening:)

Jump Jump Jump

Pink hair- oh yes!

My little cupcakes working hard
Linley's cupcake creation 

Baby Girl just hanging out

Lulu was great at ring toss!

Kinder Friend Leonela

The cake walk was a huge hit.
 They had never heard of it but fell in love with the idea of taking a treat home.   We played 3 times in a row!

Samuel turns 2

Here's the boy we know and love
about to turn 2!

* Future Knight In Shining Armor *

The time has come to hand that thing over!

My little Sam Man

 100% Boy

3 month old Callie

My wittle baby is 3 months already!  She brightens up our days with her sweet personality.  She's left the newborn stage of sleeping the days away - now she's beginning to use her hands and enjoy toys.  Her favorite playmate is big sister Lu.  She coos, smiles, and kicks her legs when happy and eats a slobbery fist when mad.  She sleeps well and plays hard.  She's fondly known as Callie Bird because of her sweet smile.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chicken Painting

The chickens got creative this morning!  
We busted out some paint, brushes and imagination!  A giant mattress box made a perfect canvas!!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Oh Boy!

The time has come- potty training!  I must be so in over my head with details that I've completely underestimated the challenge of getting my active, almost 2 yr old, to sit still long enough for success.  
Yesterday we started out full of optimism with hand clapping, smiles, hugs, and enthusiasm.  Before nap he had made several attempts and scored!  Sure there were messes to clean up but it was well worth it to see him trying so hard.  My little guy surpassed my expectations!

 By last night weariness and exhaustion had set in for both of us.  When we got up this morning at 6am the task seemed looming over my head.  I really just wanted to put a diaper on that naked booty that was running wildly through my house.  I have plenty of excuses and reasons to stop- I do have a 3 yr old and infant that need attention too, there's laundry and dishes and floors to clean,  feeding the baby takes a good deal of time, I'm sick with a sinus infection......

It's almost 11am now - 5 accidents, 0 successes, 2 baths.  I'm feeling discouraged and tired.  Sam is napping while I'm reflecting upon this decision.  Did we attempt this too early?  Am I rushing him?  Can I really devote the time and attention this requires?

I'm the "all or none" type of person and I have my mind set on this- determined that we will not go back or delay!  Full steam ahead!!!!!  (keeping in mind that's what was said on the Titanic-and we know how well that turned out!  Praying we swim through this!)