Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tricks & Treats

Halloween week was monstrously busy!  

Sam enjoyed painting his pumpkin!


look mom!

Linley Lu did a great job-taking lots of time and special care to get it just right!

Miss Bird and the pumpkins!

Sad little won!

Trick or Treat ~ smell my FEET!

these juice boxes were a 1st grade smash!


I made the boy a minion hat and he wouldn't wear it:/  Caroline ended  up with it as a means of staying warm.  Ya win some ya lose some....

grouchy minion

he looked so cute but refused!

LuLu's class party
Miss Angelica reads a spooky story!

Annabelle reading during her class party

We were scared SILLY

Jack O lanterns

spider hair  / orange smile / mermaid

At school celebrating/ T or T time for rainbow Lu!

Caroline enjoyed Linley's class party during the day and then she got all fancy that night

ready for candy!

look out here they come!

Trunk or Treat

The  sweet junk in our trunk......

It was a Happy Halloween!

Mermaid in the Making

Its October and costume creation is in full swing......
Annabelle once again wants to be a mermaid (2011 Halloween she was also a merBelle).  So we busted out the sewing machine and raided our closets for something we could piece together.  My old ball gown was a perfect choice paired with an old Ariel nightgown.  Here's what we have come up with.....


How bout that Ariel wig?;) 

She was one happy merBelle!

Busy Bees in Baumholder

Eww not the Flu!

Flu shots- they were so happy to see Piper!  They each got the mist and handled it very well-
fevers followed a few days later but all in all that's much better than the FLU! 
Movie Night
PTO movie night- hotdogs and Despicable Me
We all enjoyed the movie together on the gym floor:)
It's funny how awesome Friday nights out have changed so drastically!
Annabelle is cooking up a storm!
Annabelle makes the best salads!
She cuts the cucumber and tomatoes all by herself now:)

FRG Meeting~ Spaghetti Dinner and Craft Night
Miss Amber and Miss Sue
our gourmet sauce makers!

Grown up crafts!

Chicken crafts!
It is ALL about the crafts!  These 2 loved getting Artsy at the A&C birthday bash!

paper lanterns


Sam the Man always keeps us laughing- life with him is reality TV worthy!
No Pocket?  No Problem!
unzip pajamas- insert toy- insert toy-
insert toy-insert another toy.....
 It's just a chair....but it's the best seat in the house!
We got a new recliner thats perfect for rockin' babies- only problem
 is that all the chickens fight over sitting in it (like they've never seen a chair before!) 

It really is a great chair! 

 Red Ribbon week!  Annabelle joined Daisy Scouts and she earned her first 
patch handing out red ribbons at the commissary:)  

When asked what she learned during rr week she proudly
stated "I learned not to drink drugs!" lol
there was also a Daisy bake sale at the haunted house- a scare and sweets!

 HHD Holiday Fundraising 
Baumholder held a cross country meet with students from all over Europe and our company was there to serve up lunch to the hungry runners!  We wore our Christmas best raise funds for holiday fun! 

Amme and I gettin our Christmas spirit on!

the HHD family

Ho Ho Hotdogs!

 Guten Appetite   
A Saturday lunch out~ schnitzel, strudel, pretzels!

It is true ~ Babies don't keep!

playing with brother:)
Nice day for a swing!  There aren't too many warm days left this year-
 we take every advantage and hit the playground after school!  

Miss Bird~ she's growing up so fast!