Monday, August 25, 2014

Back to School

It's that time again my friends……Back to School
This has been a crazy summer and I've often longed for the routine and predictability school brings over the last few months- but this morning as we prepared for our first day back, I wasn't cheering for joy.  I will miss these chickens and having them here with me all day! 

the daddy pep talk and hug! xxooxxoo

she's on her way
Ms Escobar is her teacher

she has an apple for her teacher:)

time to settle in
front of the class

I sent my oldest chicken to school with lots of nerves and butterflies- this is never easy.  I could see that she wasn't quite sure of what to expect and she was anxious.  I pray that her day goes smoothly and God will calm her nerves as second grade gets under way.  Annabelle has some old pals in class with her- it is always comforting to see a friendly & familiar face:)  I can hardly wait to go pick her up and hear about her day!!!

daddy sends her off with words of wisdom:)

She's now a Smith Bulldog!

Kinder building:)

She is so ready for this!!!!

Following Mr Gleason to her room!

taking a peek around

Aubrey sits right next to her!

Linley doesn't officially start school until next week- however this morning was her Kinder orientation. She had the opportunity to meet her teacher, assistant teacher and explore her classroom a bit.  She found her cubby, chair, and closet for all her stuff.  Her teacher will come to our home tomorrow for a one on one home visit to chat about the year- we are looking forward to learning more about kindergarten! :) Linley took this all in stride- she was comfortable, confident and smiling!  


Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer Sillies

We've had chaotic and crazy summer with lots & lots of giggles! 
 Here are a few random smiles and sillies:) 

Bath toys and a ton of water OUT of the tub!

silly selfies!

art time!

she discovered the DVDs and they were her favorite toys for a weeks!

loooong days lend themselves this! hehehe

learning about measurement- sorting shortest to longest! 

"spiderweb" park and the crazy slide!

Caroline loves this slide- AB is very good about helping her! 

1&4 danicing! 

2&3 on a sprinkley day!
This summer Callie is included in the "honey" game!

Our very own Angry Bird!

wipe out!
celebrating a job well done:)

Makeovers with friends!


Loony and Nutto!

Chickens growing up!

Doing big kid things!

Playing "honey"

More makeovers…..

Crazy hair! 

Growing like a weed!

Messy baby!

game night!

neighbors and a steep hill…..

…….add a sled and you've got hours of FUN!!!!


my crazy chicken boy!

knock knock

daddy naps

sending them back to the states!

Just a few memories!!!  Another Summer for the books! That's a wrap!